Episode 1 of The Turkish Drama Series Kan Cicekleri: Dilan's Family is Panicking

- 18 Maret 2023, 19:18 WIB
Dilan's family is panicking
Dilan's family is panicking /Kan Cicekleri/

PORTAL BREBES – The Turkish drama series Kan Cicekleri is very popular in Turkey.

The film tells about family conflicts and efforts to reduce the disputes.

In the series, starring Yagmur Yuksel as Dilan and Baris Baktas as Baran Karabei.

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It is said that Dilan went to a horse farm and met Baran Karabei.

Dilan then went to the shop and met his brother who then Dilan was confused about going to school and abroad.

However, he was also confused about the situation of his brother.

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Then it continued to the horse farm and Dilan saw a horse that was in pain because its leg was injured.

Immediately, Baran also approached him and wanted to kill the horse with a shot that Dilan saw.


Editor: DR Yogatama


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